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Bulk Category Importer Osclass Plugin
Plugin Name: Bulk Category Importer Plugin
Plugin URI:
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Rackons
Author URI:
Short Name: bulk_category_importer
Through this Bulk Category Importer Osclass Plugin, Website owner can import unlimited category in a few minute from XML.
- IMPORT CATEGORIES : Admin need to install this plugin, choose XML file for categories and import.
- EXPORT CATGEORIES : Admin can also export existing categories in XML format
- DELETE CATEGORIES : Admin can Delete All existing Categories before import
Please note that if you will select "Delete All Existing Categories before import" Option then your all categories and listings related to those categories will also lost. So if you want to start from new categories then dont choose that option otherwise you will loose your all data.
- Special characters like &, $ , @ will not used in export or import xml file