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Plugin Name: Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin for Osclass
Plugin URI:
Version: 2.2.3
Author URI:
Description: This plugin allows users to make payment for premium ads from Mobile ( SMS ).
Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin is based on Fortumo service that covers more than 200 countries. This Plugin enchance your classifieds and give users more options to promote their listings.
Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin provides to your customers following paid service:
- Premium Ad - Make listing premium with expiration days (i.e. premium label will expire in 30 days) and let users to make their listings more visible.
Admin need to create an account in fortumo site before use this plugin, After creating an account on Fortumo, then admin need to change setting i.e. Fortumo Service ID, Fortumo Secret Code, Fortumo Image Button, (Test Mode also available), Premium setting (Number of Days to Expire ) and follow all steps from plugin file.