Osclass Plugins

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Sticky Social Sharing Plugin For Osclass (sticky_osclass_rackons)

Plugin Name: Sticky Social Item Sharing
Plugin URI: http://www.rackons.com
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Rackons
Author URI: http://rackons.com
Author Email: info@rackons.com
Short Name: sticky-social-item-sharing

Share an Item on All Social Networking including Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, Email. Use this social sharing plugin without javascript. Use only this Short code " in item.php"

Features Sticky Social Item Sharing 1.0.1 
- url encoded.
- Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, Email.
- No Images, Use Beautiful Icons
- sticky Sharing Button in Left Side.
- Stylish Look.
- Use only this Short code . i.e item.php .
- No Javascript.

For Demo : Live Demo
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Intro Tour Plugin for Osclass (intro_tour_osclass)

Plugin Name: Intro Tour Plugin
Version : 1.1.1
Author: Rackons
URI: http://rackons.com
Email: admin@rackons.com
Short Name: intro_tour

Description :
Intro Tour Plugin will guide sellers for Step-by-step introduction about post creative ads.Why Using Intro Tour Plugin?- When new seller visit your website you should demonstrate your site features using a step-by-step guide. Even when you develop and add a new feature to your product, you should be able to represent them to your users using a user-friendly solution. Intro Tour Plugin is developed to enable web and mobile developers to create a step-by-step introduction easily. Through this plugins, sellers can post creative and unique ads and ads will search quickly on top.- Compatible with all Osclass Version and themes but you need some instructions. When you will integrate this plugin on your site then please contact us then our live chat team will guide you even they can integrate on your site.

For Demo : Live Demo
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Osclass Multilanguage Discussion Forum Plugin

Total Sales : 19

Plugin Name: Osclass Discussion Forum
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/osclass-discussion-forum-plugin
Version: 2.4.1
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Support Forum : http://forums.rackons.in


Osclass Discussion Forum plugin allow users to discuss about your classified site or any topic related to classified site, products, real estate, vehicles, anything on Forum.

Features :

- Only Logged-in User can POST and REPLY any topics.
- All Non-logged-in and Logged-in user can VIEW all posts and reply
- Multilanguage
- User can use WYSIWYG Editor while post new topic and reply on post.
- User can use Emoji
- User can use IFRAME, Button, Hyperlink, Font-color, Fon-size, Font Styles etc
- User can check PREVIEW Before Posting
- User can PRINT any discussion
- User can UPLOAD Images, Audio, Video etc
- Modern and Advanced Look
- Compatible with Osclass 3.0 and Above & All Osclass Themes

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Ad Status Plugin For Osclass (Ad-Status-Plugin-For-Osclass)

Plugin Name: Ad Status
Plugin URI:  http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/ad-status-plugin-for-osclass
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Author Email: info@rackons.in
Short Name: ad_status


Allows Users to set status for item like : Sold, Rent, Buy, Sell, Trade , etc.
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Subdomain Service For Osclass (subdomain-for-osclass)
We are providing sub domain service for osclass due to huge demand for this service in osclass market . So, we are taking small fees for sub domain integration and configuration on your site. 

You need to provide us your cpanel after making payment. It will take maximum 2 hr to complete the sub-domain process on your hosting. (Dont use cheap hosting for sub domain service).  You need to specify which type of subdomain you want like : Users, Categories, Countries, Regions or Cities then we will do according to your specification.

After using our sub domain service, you dont need to install multiple osclass and multiple database. We will do with one osclass and one database with one theme

After making payment please provide us or mail (info@rackons.in) us your cpanel details (Your cpanel details will not shared with third party.)

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Osclass WhatsApp Chat Plugin (osclasswhatsappchat)

Plugin Name: WhatsApp Chat
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Rackons
Author URI: http://rackons.in
Short Name: whatsApp_chat

Special Offer : You can buy this Osclass whatsapp chat plugin from Codester also at low price CLICK Here


Buyer and seller chat with each one through WhatsApp. Seller need to put whatsapp number while posting an ad , then seller whatsapp Chat will display on that item page, after that buyers can easily chat with seller through whatsapp. 

Features :

- Easy to use
- Simple and Compatible with all themes
- No admin panel for that plugin
- Circle whatsapp chat icon

Note : We are working on Multi Messaging Chat Plugin for Buyers-Sellers ( Line Chat, Snap Chat, Messenger, Viber, Vk, Telegram etc )

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Osclass User Data Security Plugin

Plugin Name: Osclass User Data Security Plugin
Plugin URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/osclass-user-data-security-plugin
Version: 2.4.1
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Short Name: user_data_security

Special Offer : You can buy this Osclass User Data Security Plugin from Codester also at low price 


This plugin helps register user to protect their information from spammers i.e they can hide/show their information like website, phone number, email id,Address, etc.

We create user data security plugin for securing the user data, because now a days some company and persons are fetch the user data from sites  and misuse for wrong purpose. So, we created this plugin then registered user can display or hide the data from other users, if they want to display their own information then they can use PUBLIC option, Or If they want to hide their own information then they can use PRIVATE option, or If they want to display their information for Registered Users Only then they can use MEMBERS option.

Features :
User can show/hide own Personal Information
- Email
- Website
- Phone Number
- Mobile Number
- Country
- City
- Region
- Address
- Zip
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User ID Card Plugin For Osclass (user-id-card)

Plugin Name: User ID Card Plugin
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/user-id-card-plugin-for-osclass
Version: 2.1.1
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/user-id-card-plugin-for-osclass
Author Email: info@rackons.com


This plugin will create Unique User ID Card. Below fields will display in User ID Card Plugin  :

- User Unique ID ( Admin Needs to Put Unique Code from Plugin Panel in Oc-admin)

- User Phone Number
- Total Listing of User
- User Name
- User Location
- User Picture ( Admin needs to use Profile Picture Plugin with User ID Card Plugin ) 
- Every Registered Users will generate new ID Card automatically.
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Home, Personal and Car Loan Calculator for Osclass Plugin

Plugin Name : Loan Calculator for Home, Personal and Car
Plugin URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Version: 1.2.1
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Author Email: info@rackons.in
Short Name: hpc_loan_calc


This plugin will calculate Loan for Home, Personal and Car with stats.

Put this calculator plugin to your osclass website and enable your users to calculate how much would cost of car / Personal / home they are looking for if they would take loan from bank.

Front End User Features :

- Change Loan Amount ( For Home / Personal / Car )

- Change Interest Rate ( For Home / Personal / Car )
- Change Time Period ( For Home / Personal / Car )

Plugin calculates monthly payment as well as Yearly and will display on Table and Graph with Pie Chart

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Facebook Comment Plugin For Osclass (fb_comment)

Facebook Comment Plugin For Osclass

Plugin Name:
Facebook Comment plugin
Plugin URI:
Author URI:
Short Name:

Changelog Version - 2.0.2 :
- Bug Fixed

The Facebook Comments Osclass plugin makes it easier for you to setup, administer and customise Facebook comments from your oc-admin.

Facebook comments can be annoying to set up. This plugin makes it simple to add the Facebook comments system to your Osclass Classified site without any hassle.

Simply install the plugin and follow the instructions on the Settings page.

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Social Sharing Plugins For Osclass (social_osclass_rackons)

Plugin Name: Social Sharing
Plugin URI: http://www.rackons.com
Version: 1.1.5
Author: Rackons
Author URI: http://rackons.com
Author Email: info@rackons.com
Short Name: social-sharing

Share an Item on All Social Networking including Rackons, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Digg, Delicious, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Tumblr etc. Use this social sharing plugin without javascript. Use only this Short code " wherever you want. i.e item-sidebar.php, item.php

Changelog Social Sharing 1.1.5
- New Rackons Social Share icon added

Changelog Social Sharing 1.1.2 - 12-10-2016
- url encoded.
- Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Digg, Delicious, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Tumblr added.
- Images compressed.
- Use only this Short code wherever you want. i.e item-sidebar.php, item.php .
- No Javascript.

For Demo : Live Demo
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Google Bing XML Sitemap Osclass Plugin (xml-sitemap)
Plugin Name: Google Bing XML Sitemap
Plugin URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Short Name: google-bing-xml-sitemap
Plugin update URI: google_bing_xml_sitemap

Special Offer : You can buy this Osclass Sitemap plugin from Codester also at low price CLICK HERE


This plugin create Google and Bing XML Sitemap for Osclass

Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.This is a Google Bing XML Sitemap, meant for consumption by search engines.

It is the most popular plugin in the Osclass to create multiple sitemap for Items, Categories, Pages, Category Cities, Category Regions, Category Countries, Custom

NOTE : With this XML Sitemap, you need to buy also Advanced SEO plugin from our market : CLICK HERE Then you can get best response and your site will get searching on Google and bing
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Skype Buyer Seller Chat Plugin for Osclass (osclass-buyer-seller-chat-plugin-skype)

Plugin Name: Skype Buyer Seller Live Chat
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Description: Buyer and seller chat with each one through Skype.
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Rackons
Author URI: https://rackons.in
Short Name: skype_buyer_seller_chat
Support URI: https://forums.rackons.in/skype-buyer-seller-chat-plugin/


This buyer seller chat plugin will use for Buyers to chat with sellers easily through Skype (Both buyers and seller should be their account on skype). Seller can also change skype id for each listing.

Features :

- Sellers Need to put Skype Username while posting an ad
- Buyer can Chat with sellers through skype .
- Also Buyer can do video call or phone call to seller through skype. its built-in function in Skype.
- On Desktop it will display in middle of left side and on mobile theme Skype chat icon will display in left side bottom

Note : Skype User need to login on Skype Desktop Software or Skype Website ( https://web.skype.com ) This plugin will not work with latest Osclass version. It will work will 3.0 to 3.8 Version. 

Through Dekstop skype software seller and buyer can do text chat , video chat, calling but through skype website buyer and seller can do only text chat.

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Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin for Osclass (fortumo_mobile)

Plugin Name: Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin for Osclass
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Version: 2.2.3
Author: Rackons.com
Author URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in

Description: This plugin allows users to make payment for premium ads from Mobile ( SMS ).

Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin is based on Fortumo service that covers more than 200 countries. This Plugin enchance your classifieds and give users more options to promote their listings.

Fortumo Mobile Payment Plugin provides to your customers following paid service:

  • Premium Ad - Make listing premium with expiration days (i.e. premium label will expire in 30 days) and let users to make their listings more visible.

Admin need to create an account in fortumo site before use this plugin, After creating an account on Fortumo, then admin need to change setting i.e. Fortumo Service ID, Fortumo Secret Code, Fortumo Image Button, (Test Mode also available), Premium setting (Number of Days to Expire ) and follow all steps from plugin file.
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Search Filter By Seller Plugin For Osclass (search_by_seller)

Plugin Name: Search Filter by Seller
Plugin URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Rackons
Author URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Author Email: info@rackons.in
Short Name: search_by_seller


User can filter by Sellers on Search Page. 
All Seller List will be display on search page so, it will be easy to search listings according to seller.
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Smart App banner Plugin for Osclass

( Best Viewed only on Mobile and Tablets )

Plugin Name:
Smart App Banner Plugin
Plugin URI:
Author URI:
Short Name:

Special Offer : You can buy this Smart App banner Plugin for Osclass from Codester also at low price CLICK Here


This plugin will display banner of live app from google play store on top in mobile browser. 

Features :

Admin can

- change background color and button color
- change App banner title
- change App Banner description
- Change button text
- Change App banner image
- Change App Banner URL
- Use Android app url or iOS Url like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rackons.app
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Auto Increase SEO Plugin for Osclass (seo_osclass_rackons)
Plugin Name: Auto Increase SEO Plugin
Version : 1.1.1
Author: Rackons
URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Email: info@rackons.com
Short Name: auto-increase-seo-plugin

Increasing your website searching on All Popular Search Engines i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex. Use this plugin without javascript.

Features of Auto Increase SEO 1.1.1 :
- Increasing your website searching on All Popular Search Engines i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex. Use this plugin without javascript.
- Images compressed.
- Use only this Short code " wherever you want. i.e item-sidebar.php, item.php"
- Mobile Friendly.
– Compatible with all Osclass Version and themes.
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User Contact Counter Plugin for Osclass (users_contact_counter)

Version : 3.0.1
Plugin Name: Users Contact Counter Plugin
Author: Rackons
URI: http://rackons.com
Email: admin@rackons.com
Short Name: users-contact-counter

For Demo Please chat with us or contact us

- Users Contact Counter plugin helps to know how many times an user has contacted to Seller. - Seller can see users counter counts from listing and their user profile.

- This Plugin will display on Frontend as well as Backend .

- This plugin will display stats for total contact on every listing ans stats graph in Admin

- Compatible with all Osclass Version and themes.

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Advanced SEO With Schema Osclass Plugin (advanced_seo_schema)

We are using this Plugin on our site for India Country so you can check Alexa Rank in India

Plugin Name: Advanced SEO with Schema
Plugin URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Version: 2.1.1
Author: Rackons Market
Author URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Author Email: info@rackons.in
Short Name: advanced_seo_schema

Special Offer : You can buy this Advanced SEO With Schema Osclass Plugin from Codester also at low price CLICK HERE

Description :

This plugin help you more to getting traffic from the free, organic search results on search engines. We also used Schema and Open graph for social media platform. This is Super fast, light-weight plugin for adding schema.org structured data markup in recommended JSON-LD format automatically to osclass sites. Enhanced Presentation in Search Results By including structured data appropriate to your content, your site can enhance its search results and presentation. 

- After Using this plugin, your Alexa Rank will increase
- Your Site indexing will increase on Google
- Your Site indexing will increase on Bing
- Your Site indexing will increase on Yandex

Supported Google/Schema Markups
- open Graph
- Logos

- Company Contact Numbers
- Social Profile Links
- Website details like Email, Address, etc
- Days of Week
- Website Author Name / Founder Name
- Many More 

After Using this plugin, please buy Sitemap Plugin for Google Webmaster Tool Setting
NOTE : With this Advanced SEO plugin, you need to buy also GOOGLE BING XML SITEMAP plugin from our market : CLICK HERE  for Google and Bing Webmaster Tool Setting

After purchasing this plugin, please read help before configuration this plugin. 

If you face any problem then you can ask from our live chat support team. After using this plugin you dont need to invest more more money in SEO or SMO.

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Latest Item Slider Plugin For Osclass (slider_osclass_rackons)

Plugin Name: Latest Item Slider
Plugin URI: http://rackons.com
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Rackons
Author URI: http://rackons.com
Author Email: info@rackons.com
Short Name: latest-item-slider

A jQuery and CSS-based slider Plugin that displays latest listing title on the left along with a item image and brief description on the right. The "current" item is highlighted and switches automatically at intervals.

Features Latest Item Slider 1.0.1 
- A jQuery and CSS-based slider Plugin that displays latest listing title on the left along with a item image and brief description on the right. The "current" item is highlighted and switches automatically at intervals.
- Stylish Look.
- Use " on main.php". You can use wherever you want to display latest listings.
- Minimum 5 Latest Listing will be display.

Live Demo
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Advanced Counter Statistics for Osclass (advanced_counter)

Plugin Name: Advanced Counter Statistics
Plugin URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Version: 2.0.1
Author: Rackons
Author URI: https://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Short Name: adv_counter_stats

Description: This plugin will display User stats, total listing stats, Today stats,Regions,categories etc on footer.
(Only for screen size 980px and above )

Below Stats Will Display on Site :

- Total Ads
- Today's Ads
- Categories
- Total Regions
- Total City
- Total Members

- User can changes the color and icons from admin. For configuration, you need to check help file in this plugin.
- This will display only on Desktop not for Mobile ( If user want to show on mobile, then you can change style from code.php ) or contact us for more info.
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List Time Ago Plugin for Osclass (time_ago_osclass)

Plugin Name: List Time Ago
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in/
Version:  2.0.3
Author: Rackons
Author URI: http://rackons.com
Author Email: sales@rackons.com
Short Name:List Time Ago

Description :

List Time Ago allows the Published and Modified Date to show in Real time.
example 2 Hours 3 Seconds Ago
               1 Day 2 Hours Ago
              4 weeks 14 hours ago
              8 months 1 week ago etc

Note : You can change hours to hr or Seconds to sec. from file.
           You can put code in search.php, item.php etc

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Digital Counter Plugin For Osclass (digi_counter)

Plugin Name: Digital Counter
Plugin URI: http://osclassmarket.rackons.in
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Rackons
Author Email: info@rackons.in
Short Name: digital_counter

Description: Digital Counter will display Counts of Users and Listings.

In this plugin we have use 9 type of Background themes, so you can change any type of background theme as per your choice. and you can change color, font size, enable/ disable user counts, Listing counts, today counts, etc..

Features :

- 9 Background Themes
- Enable / Disable Listing Counts
- Change Font Size and Color

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Rackons Market Plugin For Osclass Products (rackons_market_osclass_plugins)

Rackons Market Plugin For Osclass Products

In this plugin you will get Live updates of our Rackons Products (Osclass Theme, Plugins, App, SEO ) Only .  When we will update any product or any offer or any discount code then you will receive notification on your desktop

Changelog : 1.0.1 (25th feb, 2018)

- Added New search option 
- User now search all Rackons products from own oc-admin without visit on Rackons Market
- User can download purchased product from own website oc-admin without visit on Rackons Market.
- Check all Rackons products and buy/search/download/support via this plugin from own website oc-admin.

Features and Note : 

- Refer and Earn : You can use code individually for each product on your site. You can earn upto 50% per sale. 

- We have mentioned embed code for each product with every products. 

- You need just copy and paste any product code on your site and start earning. 

- After register on our site ( http://osclassmarket.rackons.in ) , you will receive mail for your monthly commission report. 

- If you want earn more then share code of every product with your friends then they can put on own sites and blog. 

- With this plugin you will get Live updates of our Rackons Products(Osclass Theme, Plugins, App, SEO )Only 

- When we will update any product or any offer or any discount code then you will receive notification on your desktop.

Dont remove this Rackons Market Plugin otherwise you will miss Live Updates and Latest Offers.

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Per Page      25 - 48 of 82

Disclaimer :
Every Products are Single Domain License means granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable worldwide license to use this product in one domain only. For multi-domain usage, it is required to purchase product multiple times.
"Keep in mind that there is no other website officially reselling our osclass themes & plugins, we do not provide support for themes & plugins they were bought outside this website!" 

Special Note :-  
- User need to pay extra amount if they want to change or add extra features in our Osclass themes, Plugins, App, Mobile Theme etc. ( Starting from $10 )
- If User want full licence of their own customization work then we will take extra charge. $99 for 1 Plugin, $149 for 1 Theme. Then Rackons Team cant sell their custom work on our site.

Osclass Problem :-
If you have any query regarding Osclass Theme , Plugins, App, Custom Work then you can ask with our expert on Our Forum. they will help you on forum publicly. if you have any query regarding your website then you can ask on our forum then our team will reply you https://forums.marketosclass.org